Making Moneys With Myspace? Think Twice!

I think, everyone know MYSPACE right?

Today, I read couple of posts about making money with Myspace. One kid, claims that he made thousand USDs within 24 hours.


He created some text-like-worm and send it to his friend! In the text said: Hello! I found a good website. Please "click here".

    Whenever someone click "click here", it will automatically foward that message to their friends in their Myspace address. It makes like a worm type effect and keeps spreading and spreading when their click that message.

    Now Myspace has took action to prevent on this bug and already fix it. So you have no second chance to use that bug again unless you can trick Myspace security again if you dare :) . The person who first created and spread the has been banned by Adsense now. So DONT EVER DO IT. You got nothing to lose.



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